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The FieldSet control is a labeled collapsible/expandable area in a form holding multiple form-fields in order to keep them grouped for a functional reason. In the following screenshot there are 4 fieldsets in the form:


SwatFieldSet can be used as part of a SwatForm, using the Form Designer.

Adding a SwatFieldSet

  1. Go to Design > Components > Forms.

  2. Open the desired object of the type SwatForm.

  3. In the ribbon click on Design to open the Object Designer.

  4. Search for “SimpleSwatFieldSet” in the catalog and drag&drop it to the preview screen.


    Drop it to a position where the Preview panel is highlighted in green, not in red.

  5. Click Save.

Now you can change the attribute “label” of the fieldset (the text at the top of a fieldset) and add fields into the fieldset. It is possible to add SwatColumns to a fieldset to arrange the fields.

Adding fields

If you want to add existing fields of the SwatBusinessEntity which is used in the parent screen, just filter the object name by using the SwatEntity (you can find the entity-name in the attribute resourceName of the SwatBusinessEntity in the SwatWindow), e.g. “Customer”. The results are all related SwatDataFields which can be added to the form.