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A SwatWindow displays other objects such as SwatForms, SwatGrid or SwatToolbar, in a window. This allows information and forms to be displayed to the user.

A SwatWindow can be used as a desktop or as a window with a task in the taskbar. This depends on how you define the menu function for launching a screen.

Layout Pattern

The layout pattern for the window determines the number of panels within the window.

It is defined in the Config tab on the right with the attribute Layout.

Clicking the magnifying glass icon opens the Select Layout Pattern desktop where you can select the desired layout pattern.

Each panel of the layout pattern can be filled with a desired object from the Browse catalog of objects at the bottom right by dragging and dropping it into the Preview panel.

You can define static text and dynamic content for the attributes TITLE and titleShort. Use double braces for the dynamic content {{}}. You have access to all data provided by a used DSO.

Example: TITLE: Customer {{cust_no}} - {{cust_name}}

Attributes for SwatWindow





Defines the small icon that is shown in the header next to the title based on Font Awesome.

fad fa-starfighter


Defines the arrangements of visual objects within the window.

1C, 2E, 2U...


Defines the title of the window that is shown in the header (regardless of name of object).

“Customer Profil”


Define the title which will be shown in the taskbar when the screen is opened as a window.


The Border and the task will be highlighted when making changes within the screen.
