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User Management

User Management defines which user has access to which features of the application.

  1. Open Manage menu > Users submenu.

  2. Click the ... FAB button and then the + FAB button to create a new User.

    The Create new user dialog opens.

  3. Fill out the following entry fields.

    1. Username: Enter a unique username for the user.


      For the login you have to enter the username plus the tenant key separated by an '@'. E.g. 'myName@100'.

    2. Name: Enter the full name of the user.

    3. eMail: Enter the e-mail adress of the user.

    4. Active: Activate the checkbox to enable the user to login.

  4. Click the OK button.

The new user is added to the List of users dialog.

By default, the username is also the password of the new user. You can change your own password via the profile menu on the upper right side by clicking on the avatar icon.


The password must contain upper and lower case letters.

To update a user, simply adjust the data directly in the desktop grid.

The grid is editable and changes can be committed via the Save button in the grid panel header.

To delete an existing user, select the user in the grid and click the Delete button in the grid panel header.